I need to create a series in excel in the format 1-2, 3-4, 5-6...?

Is there any way to type in 1-2 in cell A1, then 3-4 in cell A2, 5-6 in cell A3 and make excel generate the other numbers upto a certain limit following the same pattern?


Favorite Answer

A2=ROWS($1:1)*2-1&"-"&ROWS($1:1)*2 copy down column


You can type the number "1" in cell A1 and "2" in cell A2 and then highlight both cells A1 and A2 and click+drag the cells down towards cells A3, A4, A5, etc., which will generate numbers "3", "4", and "5". I'm not sure if you can do the same for "1-2" and "3-4" because of the hyphen in between. :)


Yes, you can do that. It's easy.
In cell A1 type in "1"
In cell B1 type in "2"
In cell A2 type in "=A1+2"
In cell B2 type in "=B1+2"
In cell C1 type in "=concatenate(A1,"-",B1)"
Drag formula down to C2
Now select A2, B2, C2 and drag those down as far as you wish!