A bit confused..Am I annoying them?
Her'es the story- During summer school, me and two other girls in my grade (not really friends, but like, acquaintances) decided to start a business. One of the girls drop out while girl #2 was on vacation (let's call her mina). Mina was gone for the last two weeks of summer school, and I put a lot of work for the business- I reasearched competitors, I made a 21 page business plan- and I didn't even know she was back from vacation-I just found out a month later after she left- that she was going to a second vacation in Paris- and like, I'm confused.
Because she didn't answer my texts or e-mails- I even emailed her mom to ask when she would come back- she didn't answer! And I called there homephone just yesterday not really expecting anyone to answer- and Mina's dad picked up. It gets even worse- I asked Mina if she could come over (That was when she mentioned Paris) and I said "Wait.. We're still doing the business thing, right?" And she was like"umm..I'm not sure. But yeah we could hang out I'll call you but I don't know when we're getting back" The conversation ended with just a "Hope you have fun" thing... SO yeah, questions:
1. Am I annoying her
2. Does this mean no business? Cuz it was her idea.
3. Also, if she turns out to think that I was annoying and a creep for emailing her mom, why couldnt she have just said that. I thought she didnt reply because her parents didnt let her bring her phone on vaction.
I also woke up at 5 AM- DURING THE SUMMER just to work on the business plan. I did all my reaserch, I even wrote down all the steps of selling something. (Online business)