is it ok to clean your snake terranium cage with dishwashing liquid?


Yeah it's fine, Dawn dishsoap is better than other harsh cleaners like bleach (that's my opinion that I've made just from being a custodian for several years and my own experiences with chemical celaners). They make reptile-safe cleaners that you can buy at Petco, but I use Dawn for my terrariums. No matter what you use, just make sure that you rinse it well. Thats the key. You want to get rid of all the soap completely so that your reptile won't inhale or ingest too much. I've used Windex on the glass too, but I've gotten away from that because like I said, that's more harsh than Dawn.


Yes, but I would use the original Dawn. It is a very effective cleaner and is also animal safe. It is often used to clean birds and other animals after oil spills. I've used it myself for years, even directly when bathing reptiles (yes the need does occasionally occur) and have cleaned cages and tanks with it countless times with no ill effects.

For those who thumbed this down, check this out. My facts are accurate.

Others using dish soap for cleaning:

Another guide that includes dish soap:


I think its fine as long as you clean the cage well.