In a relationship and feeling like my partner has gotten "too comfortable"?

I don't wanna be a nag. We've been going out for two years now and I feel like I could spend the rest of my life with this person!! However lately I've just noticed that some things have changed. For example If I don't contact him I won't hear from him...Idk what to do to save this relationship because I'm starting to not feel the love. SO I ask you strangers any advice please I am soo open


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talk to him about it. tell him you want to know he wants you and loves you. just be honest


If you don't hear from him, then he's not that interested in the relationship....


Ok, test him. Suggest you do something fun, eg, weekend get away, spontaneous plans etc. Point to this is, you need to see how serious he is about your relationship. He may get excited? That would be cool, right? And if not, then you may need to rethink him. Good luck


my relationship was just like that
he aint worth it if he doesnt care
i feel ya but honestly id give up
bc at last the one hurting wud be you
end it earlier than later is probs da best to do
answer mine tho?