Most inappropriate place a religious person has tried to talk to you about religion?
I saw a question along this line posted earlier. But it got deleted. So I'll tweak is some to avoid that. Where is (in your opinion) the most inappropriate place a person has tried to talk to you about their religion? Any religion. Not just the one this earlier question called out. If you felt it was tacky. The wrong time or just the most wrong place to initiate a conversation like that.
I'm NOT the user who posted the original question that got deleted. Just so that is clear.
Praire Crone2014-08-05T18:14:15Z
Favorite Answer
I was stuck in a bed after breast cancer surgery, all doped up and someone let a fundy into the recovery area where they were trying to convert the people who just had surgery. The person wasn't even a medical person... just some joe off the street.
Even though I was pretty doped up, I called for a nurse and demanded that security be called. Then I laughed and laughed for no reason....just because I was a doped up I guess.
It's a tie between the check-out counter at a store, and a public restroom. I think the check-out counter was the most inappropriate because it was the employee that did it. When you have a visible medical problem, some Christians take it as an invitation to come up and preach to you.
That's a toss-up: on my porch, and in the stairwell of an apartment building in which I was living temporarily.
Oh! And the guy who owns the place where I take our computers and cellphones for repairs. He's super Christian, but more than fair and very honest, so I don't mind him talking to me about it.
In a shopping mall, not that the area made it so inappropriate, but they were videotaping people's responses without asking permission first. Tacky and offensive.
some idiot mistaken my son for something and hit him in the head, he was drunk and stupid. He was at a neighbors BBQ when this guy came up wanting to talk to someone. anyway my son ended up in ICU, with permanent brain injury. This couple came in wanting to pray for hm. He was in a coma. We know how to pray and he started talking about forgiveness, if we were true christians we would be able to forgive the man who did this. We asked him to leave. Only to find out later it was the boy who did that his grand father. I thought that took a lot of nerve. I have forgiven him but he killed another man to.