There are so many different sects of Christianity with different rules and tenets, how can a person pick one even if they did believe?


seems ridiculously overly complicated to me


Read 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy from the authorized King James Bible, where the Apostle Paul writes to a young pastor named Timothy. THIS is how God meant for the church to function. If you cannot find a good King James Bible believing church, do as many have done and listen to Pastor Mike Hoggard online.
Just google Mike Hoggard and click on Bethel Church.


A wise man learns all of Jesus' truths and applies all of Jesus' truths--then he can see clearly--the one set of teachers who actually teach Jesus' truths. Like this ultra important one

Matt 6:33--- Therefore, keep on seeking FIRST the kingdom and his( Jehovah) righteousness and all these other things will be added.
Then this will be truth--John 4:22-24


Simple. You pick the ONE that Jesus Christ founded. The ONE that He said was to remain ONE. The only ONE that existed for the first 1,000 years of Christianity. The ONE to which He promised "The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth", and "Whatsoever you bind upon Earth is bound in heaven", and "He who hears you hears Me". The ONE that has remained ONE in belief, ONE in teaching, ONE in biblical understanding, ONE in worship throughout the world for 2,000 years, while unauthorized manmade religion has fragmented into thousands of conflicting denominations in just a few hundred years.


christianity sects can't save you
only Christ can save you
‘You must be born again.’
whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life
“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil

S H2014-08-06T16:11:12Z

If you were born in Israel, you'd probably be Jewish.
If you were born in Saudi Arabia, you'd probably be Muslim.
If you were born in India, you'd probably be Hindu.
If you were born in North America, you'd probably be Christian.

Your faith is not inspired by some divine, constant truth: it's simply geography. What does that tell you?

You can be spiritual without having to follow religion.

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