Difference b/t Catholic & Baptism?

Hi everyone!! I am a little curious on to what the difference is between Catholic and Baptism. I have been a Catholic all my life but have been wanting to change church, not religion. Honestly, I get a little bored when I am an a catholic church. I actually feel the holy spirit more when I am at home watching mass on tv. My love for Jesus will never change, it can only grow. Can some one give me some input, comments, suggestions. Anything will be great. God bless :)


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The Baptist denomination was not founded by Jesus but by a man in the 17th century. There are 2 things you can do to be more engaged at Mass: First, you could become more involved. Take up the gifts. Become a Lector. Be a member of the choir or folk group. Become a Eucharistic Minister. Pay closer attention to the readings and homily. Secondly, you could change churches, not religion. Many Black Catholic Churches celebrate Mass the way Baptists have their services with a band and lively music, for example.It's really up to you to find "it" in the Mass.


Between Catholic and Baptist there are many differences and several centuries of existence. The Catholic Church was instituted by Christ. The Baptist faith is a break away sect basically created by rejecting some of the Catholic beliefs.

Stay Catholic. Mass is not boring if you prepare yourself, assist at Mass, receive in a state of grace, spend time in thanksgiving after Mass, and participate in the sacrament of confession.

Feeling the Holy Spirit is not a necessity. Feelings do not prove a greater love or intimacy. Jesus said "if you love me keep my commandments." The teachings of the Church are his commandments, and our love for him is in our obedience to them.


I assume you mean "Baptist". Basic Baptist teachings:
Note that Baptists are very "congregationalist" - which means that it is very common to find two Baptist churches of the same sect *in the same city* that teach different things (although all of the "standard" or "fundamental" Christian and Baptist teachings are the same). For example: some Baptist churches teach that only the King James Version is appropriate and that all other Bible versions are evil, while others recommend a different specific Bible version, while others don't care which Bible version their members use.

I agree that Catholic services are boring - but is that enough reason to switch, which would also mean a "switch" in some of your beliefs?

I would advise you to consider carefully before switching churches. If you switch, be sure you are making the right choice, and for the right reasons. Make sure that you agree with the teachings of the church you are considering as your new "home". Consider also the possibility that attending a *different* Catholic church - one that is farther away - might solve your "it's boring" problem. Some have quite good music, and some have pastors that give interesting homilies (though I admit in my experience both are quite rare in Catholic churches!)


Baptism isn't a religion, it's a ceremony performed in the catholic church.


The Baptist denomination is a Protestant sect, one of the many of thousands of Protestant sects. The Catholic Church is the one true Church of Jesus Christ. The Catholic Church was founded by God. The Baptist sect was founded by a man.

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