How do you handle people that are nasty but pretend to be nice Christians that hide behind the scriptures they reference from the bible?


@...: There is a difference between pretending to be nice or acting like you are nice and actually being a nice and decent person.


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I just accept them for the misguided hypocrites that they are. Nothing to be done about it.


With understanding, compassion, and patience. You should be aware that people are normally good and nice by nature when they are healthy. When a person is mean, this is a sign of brain damage. They are doing their best to cope with a lot of horrible thoughts that they can't help. Have some compassion.


If they act nice, I assume they are, having no way of judging otherwise.

The ones who act nasty, are deluding themselves that they have God's favor. But we all have our moments.


Walk away


Realize that they have to live with themselves and karma (or as the Christians call it, "reap what you sow").

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