Would Cleveland fans be rooting for the Cavs had they not reacquired Lebron and traded for Love?


Favorite Answer

If they really are Cleveland fans, then they're rooting for the Cavs regardless. But all of these offseason moves have certainly made them more excited.


Only have ever rooted for Cleveland. Now that doesn't mean I watch trash. There's been many sport seasons where I only watched the superbowl or the nba finals or the world series. Rough being a cleveland fan with our sport teams being a running joke for so long. Looks like we're on the upswing now, finally. Its only been 50 years. Haters need to think about that and if they're still gonna hate they can choke on my....


The majority of these current "cav" fans came from the Miami bandwagon.


No everyone on this site just roots for whatever team is the best on paper.

