I am unable to post links of sources in my comments in Yahoo answers, even though I am in level 2. Any one help me!?

Ð〇ᑌᙖᒪᕮ Ƭᖇ〇ᑌᙖᒪᕮ2014-08-14T01:51:26Z

It no longer matters what level your account is. Yahoo in it's infinite wisdom has decided to make the site a bigger spammers paradise than it already is by allowing Level 1 accounts to post live links.

The reason your link is not live is because you are posting it as (e.g.) www.bbc.co.uk. and to get a live link you need to post it with http or https so http:/www.bbc.co.uk instead

HOWEVER - and this is a major point. You are putting your account at risk by doing what you are doing. Your link has no relevance to the questions you are answering and therefore it is considered to be promotion aka spam and I would advise you to go ahead and remove all of those links in the sourcebox before someone reports them and your account and then it will be suspended

Spam is a big no-no on Yahoo Answers and even though it does take place, you run a very real risk of losing your account. Yahoo is not a site for personal gain (promoting your website) as it states here https://help.yahoo.com/kb/answers/SLN4226.html?impressions=true


Not really - posting links definitely works - but without knowing the device or browser you are using it is hard to say why you might be having a problem.


Hey Christopher thanks, I'm using Google chrome. Some days i was able to post the links but not now. For example you can view below. www.enjoyinnepal.com . The link donot appears here :( Help me.