late bill does she need to pay?

HI, Kind of long.
My mom went and got Caps on 2 of her teeth. She paid the bill in full with a check. she has the check and we are looking for the receipt. Now 4 to 5 months later she gets a bill that says she owes another $96. as one of the tech's did not get it into the bill before she paid.. Now she has gotten NO bills till now.. Is she obligated to pay it? since its been 5 months and she is just getting the bill, and she paid in full at time of service..
She's 85 she don't move that fast to beat a computer.
thank you


Favorite Answer

If she gets a bill and pays it then there is no more to pay

"There is no law that states that if someone makes a billing mistake the customer gets it for FREE. "
Oh yes there is- its the law of contract
you get a bill at the end of services rendered - Unless the bill says it is a partial bill then once you pay it the contract is fulfilled

If the person who provided that service finds they made a mistake and undercharged then thats their hard luck


It is perfectly appropriate and legal for an honest billing error to be corrected.

After five months I would have written it off if I had been in charge, but they are under no obligation to do that.

There is no law that states that if someone makes a billing mistake the customer gets it for FREE.

Beverly S2014-08-14T12:09:02Z

If she had a receipt saying paid in full she could dispute. But since she doesn't she needs to pay it.