Why is it that when an unarmed person is murdered by police in a blue state, no one riots?




Back in the 90's Rodney King was beaten by police in Los Angeles, and there were definitely riots as a result.

Get It On2014-08-16T01:04:27Z

Europe is stealing resources from Africa and forcing Africans to work for free. The Netherlands is stealing oil from the Congo and the United Kingdom stole resources from South Africa. Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and France would have been poor without the help of African countries.

Italy, Spain, France, and Germany have the highest debt of all countries.


If you are referring to New York, it's because the NYPD would squash any riot before it even happened. Riots have nothing to do with the political swing of a state.


The better question is-----why do we allow law enforcement to murder unarmed civilians?