How do I start wanting food again?

When my amazing perfect (for me) live-in gf / partner of four+ years left me I became severely depressed. Over the last 6 weeks I lost 15 lbs (bad for me). I was a foodie and now I have no desire for anything including food. Any suggestions?

On A Journey2014-08-18T09:48:04Z

Favorite Answer

Sounds like it's stress related. And since you'll likely be grieving for awhile, it makes sense to want to get your eating on track. It may be awhile before you actually *want* to eat food, but in the meantime you (obviously) need to take care of yourself. Maybe set alarms for yourself and make sure you eat, even though you have no desire. It might help to plan your meals as well.


I agree, it sounds stress related.
In high school my head teacher was horrible, so I had the same problem, when there was a bigger event like a competition or any performance, I couldn't eat. At first I really wondered, because I alwasy loved food, eating and cooking, but back then, I couldn't eat a bowl of soup/day. My advice is to eat something every day, at least once. A yogurt, a fruit, even something small, but still something. If you skip one day, it's even harder on the next morning.... At least it was for me.
Fortunately I graduated years ago, and now I don't have eating problems only in cases of really big stress (like when my calendar is full of exams:) but I eat every day at least once. You wrote 6 weeks of not having appetite, if it's turning to months maybe find someone to talk to...
Good luck!


o, boy, wish I didn't want to eat. u re lucky, look at that from positive side - at least u lost weight with NO EFFORT. and I am sure u will start eating sooner or later. just remember to drink water


so don't eat. donate the food in your kitchen to a food panty/bank.