Favorite Answer
1) You candle the eggs with a small flashlight to see if they're fertile or not. Fertile eggs will have a lot of red spider veins and a little red mass near the center, infertile will just be yellow.
2) Nah, just leave them as they are.
3) Make little thumb sized indents in the wet vermiculite for each egg, and then put the eggs in a thumb dent. Remember, one egg per thumb dent!
4) The eggs need moisture, so make sure the vermiculite is damp but not SOAKED, and then close the tubberware container. ONCE A WEEK, open the tubberware container to let the eggs breathe, and wet the vermiculite again (only if it needs it, which it probably will).
5) (My own advice) Make sure the eggs have adequate heat.
Also, if your friend hasn't bred the female with a male, ALL of these eggs will be infertile.
Happy breeding! :D
Bearded Dragon Eggs:
1. 4 Bearded Dragon Eggs
2 1 Tsp butter
3. 2 Tbs milk or cream
4, 2 Tbs chopped fresh chive
5. Fresh ground pepper to taste
6. Salt to taste
Whip eggs together with cream and pepper until fully blended...
Well, I guess that get the hint