How Do You Feel About My Quote?

I've always been fascinated by all kinds of sports, whether I like them or not, due to their similarities of emotion. So, I wrote this quote today:

Throughout my life, I've heard several people say something along the lines of "Oh, I don't like sports." I never had a response to them.. just a look of confusion. However, now I do: Sports are practically the only things that enable us as humans to come together, and interact the way we want, without the worries of being criticized. For once, you can do something right, and receive a standing ovation.. and even if you've done something wrong, you're not bashed for it every day. In fact, you're given opportunity to fix it, right then and there. Honestly, I think that's how we all wish we treated each other on a daily basis.


You are right but usually three years in jail fixes it.