Guys - What is your opinion on girls wearing padded bras?

Do you like or hate them?
What about push-up bras?

michael l2014-08-20T13:14:42Z

Favorite Answer

it's pathetic. it's like a guy putting a sock down the front of his pants to make his bulge look bigger.


I've asked guys this before and even heard discussions on radio talk shows. It's basically a let down. Like you see these big boobies and then its like where'd they go? It also leads guys to wonder what else is this girl hiding.


I've always been partial to two sweaters, but that works to


I haven't met a man yet who wouldn't prefer small and braless every time.

Elyse Rose2014-08-21T07:15:12Z

Fake is fake is fake .. living a lie . real men like real **** .. :-) for sure.

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