Polls and Surveys: Am I the only person who does this?

I have this strange habit where when I look at a tiled surface, I look at one square and then I look at the squares around it, and then the squares around that square, making a bigger and bigger squares. I keep making different shapes, patterns and boxes in my mind whenever I see tiles. Am I the only one who does this??


I guess I'm crazy then.

Big Spider on Your Pillow2014-08-24T18:04:33Z

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It usually a tiled bathroom floor

We used to have a patterned arborite on the bathroom wall that looked like cracked ice in an arctic sea. Staring at that every time I was in the washroom I began to see polar bears, seals, a Picasso version of Frankenstein's profile and even the Eiffel Tower.


I've done that. When I was a kid, tiles used to make me see lines going the opposite way?? Blinds did something similar, when I stared at blinds they'd start to shake?


I look at the next square and I just follow the lines. And them I just walk around the house playing with the tiles just stepping and skipping a few.


I do that if I'm waiting somewhere with nothing to do like in a subway station or an office.

Attila the Hon2014-08-24T18:53:33Z

You aren't crazy - it's a very mild form of OCD. I do similar things with shapes. It's harmless. :)

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