I hate my birthday! Any advice?

So my birthday is may 13 (seems early to be talking about this, but we were talking about birthdays in history and I started thinking about it), which means its either on or a couple days after mother's day, during AP exams, and used to be during cst testing. I could deal with it being during testing, but its the fact that its extremely close to mother's day that sucks. People just kinda sweep my birthday under the rug and talk about mother's day. People call me and tell me that they are coming out for mother's day, and either don't mention my birthday, or say something along the lines of "I guess we could celebrate your birthday too". I could never really have a party, because I always had to be ready to go out for mother's day, or my parents have to make sure they have enough money to buy my grandmothers dinner. The first time anybody has done anything huge for my birthday was eighth grade when my friend surprised me at our class picnic, and every year, does something to astonish me. Im not asking to be center of attention, it would just be nice if, even just once, my birthday wasn't secondary to mother's day. I know it's important, but it's nice just to not have people give me a partially heartfelt happy birthday. Any advice?


How does your family celebrate other birthdays not near a holiday? Do those birthdays get more attention? It's a shame that your family had to sacrifice your birthday celebration to afford a Mothers Day celebration. Getting everyone together is sometimes difficult, especially for 2 days so close together, so maybe that's why they would combine the celebrations. You won't always be in school and having exams around then, school may seem like forever, but it's not.

I suggest you pick another day you like better, tell everyone that's the day you want to celebrate your birthday.


It's really nice of your friend to help you celebrate your birthday. She's probably quite aware that nobody in your family seems to care about it.

My advice: Focus on that, and don't expect cake and ice cream, balloons and fireworks from your folks. Some day soon you'll be considered too old to worry about birthday parties, and you'll have to wait until you're married and a mother. Then you'll get a "double celebration" on the same day.


lol, ur bday isn't on mother's day every year and some of us actually are born on holidays. :) you're lucky!