Hamas propaganda claims "victory over Israel", so what Israel loses if Hamas finally needs to agree a often proposed cease-fire?


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LOL, it the usual Muslim thing... remember "comical Ali" telling us how Saddam was winning the war?


That is not propaganda. Both Israel and Hamas claim victory. Israel closed the smuggling tunnels and killed hundreds of Hamas leaders and flattened Gaza and murdered 2,000 people. That is Israeli style victory. Hamas gets a one year reprieve from all that and in a month will be talking about a seaport and airport. That is victory.


There are two types of history: world history, recognised by the world and Arab history, recognised by Arabs. Of course they say that they won. When have Arabs ever accepted historical fact? They are going to mark this war as victory when we all know very well that they did not win. No one has won, but Israel has a one up on Hamas because Israel has damaged Hamas' infrastructure. Israel is exiting this war with only scratches.

The ONE2014-08-27T10:26:01Z

Even if all of Gaza was wiped out and all the Hamas terrorists killed there would still be notes flying around proclaiming a Hamas victory !


Hamas didn't fire a single rocket from the November 2012 ceasefire to this latest war. Israel already had a working truce. Now Israel is back to the same place, only with more concessions to Hamas and a ruined International reputation, including strains with America. Hamas doesn't have 1 single tank or airplane. He shouldn't be in a position where he has to try to convince people that Israel "won" against such a group.

"In Israel, sirens warning of incoming rocket fire from the Gaza Strip fell silent. But media commentators, echoing attacks by members of Netanyahu's governing coalition, voiced deep disappointment over his leadership during the most prolonged bout of Israeli-Palestinian violence in a decade.

"After 50 days of warfare in which a terror organization killed dozens of soldiers and civilians, destroyed the daily routine (and) placed the country in a state of economic distress ... we could have expected much more than an announcement of a ceasefire," analyst Shimon Shiffer wrote in Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel's biggest-selling newspaper.

"We could have expected the prime minister to go to the president’s residence and inform him of his decision to resign his post."

Edit: We don't exactly know what Hamas lost or didn't lose materially! We do know that Israel failed to stop rocket fire over 7 weeks and failed to have Hamas demilitarized in a ceasefire. Hamas is confident and will rearm.

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