Well, after several month's hiatus, I see it's status quo here at Y/A Politics...hate keeps flowing, racism abounds, ignorance proliferates?

My question: Can anyone tell me why on Earth has the U.S. pledged $3.15 BILLION yearly until 2018 to Israel for Israel's defense?

We taxpayers pay more for Israeli defense than Israelis do.

And before anyone starts with the "Intergalactic KelleeBundee is anti-Semitic," I am not. I am anti-genocide & anti-apartheid.

Q2- Is everyone in our government afraid of AIPAC?

Sir Studley Smugley2014-08-31T19:17:17Z

Favorite Answer

Where've you been Kellee? I've missed you. And it's not "status quo," the quality of questions has degenerated over the last few months. I don't spend nearly as much time logged in to YA as I used to. And yes, the negativity keeps flowing, abounding, and proliferating, just as it always has. It just seems worse nowadays.

To answer your question: there are "Christians" out there that think it's their "duty" to support attitudes that were formulated back in Moses' time - more than a millenium before Islam. John McCain would be for bombing Buddhist women and children in Nepal if they beefed about the price of rice in Israel.

Glad to see you back.


fair question