If I got 4 doe goats, and 2 buck goats, and kept them separate for most of year other than breeding, would the 2 bucks be okay by themselves?


As in would they continually bleat for the does. I was wondering how that would work because I understand that the males stink, and that the smell can even make the milk taste odd. Answers from people with experience with goats only, please.


Favorite Answer

It's not unheard of to keep bucks together, but it can be a problem during rut, because once the hormones kick in, the instinct is to fight for the right. You're courting yourself a whole mess of problems my friend. Ideal situation if you're interested is, skies the limit with your does, only keep one Buck and never the two shall meet.


Once mature the bucks would fight and hurt each other just because there are does there. Best to just have the does and send them out to breed.

Goat owners have told me the milk, and/or meat from does can smell like a buck if you keep the buck near them.