Do you think DUI laws have gotten out of control?




No, I think for years they were too lax. You don't have the same reaction times with a couple of drinks in you as you do without them. Driving isn't a time for distraction or even minor incapacitation.
Worse, you don't just do yourself in, you may take a lot of people with you.
I had an uncle killed day before Christmas, left five little kids, killed by a drunk driver.
A cousin killed while walking on the sidewalk, drunk driver, she had just graduated law school.
Call a cab, have a designated driver, but don't think you're the exception who can handle their liquor.

St N2014-09-01T10:54:44Z

Taxis and buses exist, as well as sober friends. There is no excuse for DUI. The bartender is not holding a gun to your head while you drink. If we can't get the drunks out behind the wheel, then it should become a capital offence, execution taking place at the sight of the pull over and breathalyzer test.


No. Anything that reduces my chances of being crippled or killed by a drunk driver (or one who is texting) is ok by me. I know a lovely 16 year old girl who has severe brain damage and will never be fully functioning again because the car she was in was hit by a drunk driver. If you've been drinking, you shouldn't be driving. Period.


the drunk laws should be TOUGHER--no excuse to drive when you are soused--you don't care who you hurt or kill, but when you maybe take out someone close to you (in the car or not), even then all it is to a drunk is OOPS--they should all have name and photo posted on front page of daily paper day after arrest--that MIGHT keep some from doing it.

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