I like a guy older than me?

I really like this guy I met. I'm still not quite done with high school and he is in college. He is almost exactly 4 years older than me, slightly less. I love his personality and talking to him even just being around him makes me so happy. I work with him during the summer. We became friends but aren't super close or anything. He told his mom about me - he said he couldn't have worked without me and that I was a big help. I really can't stop thinking about him and its annoying because I'm sure he has plenty of girls at college to occupy his time. What am I supposed to do about this?


Favorite Answer

Tell him how you feel, be honest of what you really think of him. Do it face to face, then you know how he will react and who knows you may get a hug or even a kiss! But if you really can't admit him truth you can always text him :) good luck!

Mama Mia2014-09-04T02:24:04Z

Forget him , because you are right, he has plenty of girls his own age to choose from and he isn't going to make a fool of himself by dating a high school girl.