Who sets the wages of sin?


Isn't it time we got a wage increase?


Jehovah does and it is death, read Romans 6:23


The fact of the matter, God the wages of sin is death, also the bible is sharper then any two edge sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul an spirit, an of the joints an marrow, an is a discerner of the thoughts an intents of the heart, im just paraphrasing it.

River Euphrates2014-09-04T10:30:40Z

The wages of sin are death - but after they take out taxes, it's just kind of a tired feeling...


There is no minimum wage of sin. There is precedent for getting a full days pay even if you don't work a full day.


"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
-Romans 6:22-23

It sounds like the bible is saying we can either be slaves to God (presumably sex slaves), or we will get paid wages, and the wage is not one penny less than death.

So I guess bad behavior has it's own rewards, but they end up with being a corpse.

It sounds like what it's saying is that sin is like a gun, and the wage is a bullet to your brain. In a sense God set the wage/loaded the chamber, but we pull the trigger.

I think I'm reading that right, but lawdy knows the bible isn't the most straightforward thing to read.

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