Pro Wrestling – What measures do you think wrestlers should take to avoid further injuries in the ring?


By the way, it has come to my attention that I've supposedly made some "homophobic" statements about Darren Young when I have not. I realized this because the user The Rated R Heel sent me a message a day or two ago about me being "homophobic" and mentioning Darren Young, but I had no clue what he meant. Of course, I couldn't respond and ask what he meant because he already blocked me.


Apparently, Dave Hytmen made some sort of question saying that I sent him a message about why I wouldn't buy a game because Darren Young, being gay, is on the roster. First, I can't send any messages to Dave Hytmen because he has me blocked. Second, the message that he supposedly quoted from me is not my writing style at all. My grammar is not that poor. Third, I couldn't care less about Darren Young or his homosexuality.


If I wanted to buy a game, I wouldn't let a single person being in it stop me. I noticed a lot of people were attacking me again for this, so I just wanted to throw that out there to inform users here that I haven't said anything of the sort, just so other users wouldn't get the wrong ideas. Thus, if you come across this question below, I just want to let you know I didn't make such a statement. It's probably Dave trying to mess with me again or a clone probably. Just ignore it.

Thanks, y'all



Favorite Answer

Hey,Patrisha. I think a wrestler must have good technique. I've seen Tough Enough,and a simple Headlock Takedown can hurt somebody. You remember the question where you asked about technical wrestlers not been good in the ring? I couldn't think of anyone,because no matter how many moves you know? You still don't have good technique, if you are reckless,and don't execute the moves clean.Wrestlers with good techniques easily know the basics and more. You also have to be well conditioned. If they get winded or their body gives out on them so quick in a match,they're a lot more likely to injure someone,or thereselves,cause they can't last in the ring or handle the demanding schedule. Your whole body has to be strong and it has to be conditioned&athletic,cause it will be easier to execute the moves. That's why wrestlers train their whole bodies,even their secondary muscles, like ankles,knees,wrists,forearms,etc.

Also,don't try moves that you can't perform. For example,Dolph Ziggler doesn't do moves that he doesn't feel comfortable doing(He said so in an interview), but he can still put on great matches with the moves he uses. You don't have to do 360's off the top ladder to put on great matches or perform at a high level..With that been said,you can still get injured. Any wrestler with any style can get injured.

I am sorry you had to go through that,Patrisha. I think you are a great user and seem like a very nice person.


First of all, don't say you couldn't care less about Darren Young's sexuality because you're a known homophobe.

And I guess Hytmen has some explaining to do.

Amy Flower2014-09-07T22:42:49Z

The iwc is funny, they want guys to have these crazy move sets, and not the same five moves of doom, but then when guys do that, and get injured, they blame those stars for being injury prone.

He didn't show his proof in the question so I guess it never happen.


Stretching before matches would help.

Users in this section have a bad habit of blocking someone so they can't defend themselves when they post a question about them.


Appropriate physical exercise and not being too oversellous like Dolph Ziggler help avoiding injuries.

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