Illegal window tint?!? Worth fighting it?

Yes, got a ticket today. Was driving my crew cab F350 dually. I rolled em all down when I saw the blue lights. Trooper pulled me and said, "windows looked a little dark there sir" I played dumb like, I don't have windows? Never the less, legal is 50% I have 5% all the way around.
Now, the ticket is $30 no points or anything. If I prepay it would be about $90 after their B.S. fees, ect. I was wondering if anyone has gone to court for this and gotten it dismissed? Was it worth the agony of traffic court? Also, even if i pay, would it be worth removing the tint at this point? I drive that truck only about 10 miles a week.


Favorite Answer

The only possible way you get out of it is if the cop doesn't show up. They show up 90% of the time. You might end up paying even more in court costs.

If you don't remove the tint, you'll get ticketed over and over.


Isn't one time enough ... if it's too dark and illegal you'll just keep getting tickets cuz it's a new truck, the law about tint went into effect during about the 1970's so any vehicle prior to 1970 is exempt but nothing newer !


How would you fight it? Were your windows tinted illegally?

Would it be worth removing the tint? How's about the fact that you can be ticketed again. And again.


How do you intend to prove your windows aren't tinted?

If you deny your windows are tinted illegally, they say "OK bring your car in for an inspection."


The cop will never find them if they are rolled down.