Why should I feel guilty for being wealthy and creating opportunities for others?


Is this immoral or is it immoral to be envious of them?


Favorite Answer

You should not feel guilty about anything, nor feel sorry for the lazy pukes that will not work to earn the way in life.

I operate a non-profit corporation to assist small business development in my county. I have a specific set of requirements to qualify for assistance
I don't care how good your business idea is or how much it will help the community, if your resources and business plan does not meet my requirements, go cry on someone else's shoulder.

Chewy Ivan 22014-09-08T22:20:17Z

That depends on your ratio of "wealth for yourself" vs. "opportunities for others." For example, if you making hundreds of millions of dollars while your employees make minimum wage, you should feel really guilty. However, if you make roughly twice as much as your employees, then you shouldn't feel guilty at all.

Extreme wealth is destructive to our economy. It siphons capital that could be circulated among the consumer base, promoting economic growth and job creation. When "job creators" pay workers as little as they can get away with, then they shouldn't be surprised when consumer demand is weak. Every business's customers is some other business's employees. The rich need to remember how we made became the greatest economy in the world -- investing in each other's businesses by paying their own workers a decent wage.


No one wants anyone to feel guilty for being wealthy, but progressives do want people who exploit others to feel guilty for exploiting those people.

Is your wealth the result of exploitation of others? If so, shame on you. If not, huzzah!


According to liberals you are benefiting from "White Privilege". Never mind the fact that homeless whites make up over 1.5/3 of the over all population


Are you lobbying to shift the tax burden away from yourself and onto the backs of your workers. no? Then no problem.

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