is it or isn't it? extinct?
It is important in these types of matters to identify the fools associated with such statements:
“This purple snail — the Aldabra banded snail — is a resident of the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean and is easily recognizable because of its conspicuous purplish blue shell. Though it was once easy to find 3 decades ago, [Oxford University biologist Justin] Gerlach says that now “it has been impossible to find. The last one was found in 1997 and it was collected simply because the person who collected it thought it was strange and didn’t know what it was.” Gerlach believes the species went extinct during the late 1990s following a series of unusually long and hot summers that killed off a large number of younger snails.He reached this conclusion after observing that the smaller shells once commonly picked up by collectors were vanishing with the advent of the longer, hotter summers — a phenomenon he attributes to global warming. If his intuition is correct, that would make the Aldabra banded snail the first climate change related casualty.
“And, as Diane Debinski — a biologist at Iowa State University who researches the links between climate change and extinctions — grimly observed, it certainly won’t be the last: “I think what we are seeing is the tip of the iceberg in terms of extinction events. I expect that we’re going to be seeing more stories like this.” While she isn’t convinced that global warming was to blame for the banded snail’s extinction, she does admit that most research has demonstrated that the most vulnerable species tend to reside in isolated habitats — such as islands or mountain tops.” (delanda est NPR)
I love that comment
Wow! Global warming can kill off species AND bring them back again!
Is there anything it can’t do?
and that one,
maybe the bloodhound Ms. Oreskes will sniff out what's really alive or dead