Proof ONCE AND FOR ALL that ISIS is NOT Muslim.!?

It seems as though ISIS needs a new book to justify their madness. The Qur'an isn't working for them anymore, so they will be deleting, adding, and editing verses to meet with there radical ways. Though this doesn't effect me personally as a Christian, I feel that it's very important these days to know who's what, and after hearing this recent report, that ISIS wants to rewrite the Qur'an, I believe we can officially declare them NOT MUSLIM. The ISIS group CANNOT ever be used again to represent Islam.


It's hearsay, not proof.

"The Lebanese Al-Jadeed Newspaper published an article quoting Iraqi media that states that ISIS is planning to rewrite the Quran"

Not proof at all.
Islam has no credibility.


How about "Muslim 2.0" "New Improved Muslim" "Muslim Next Generation" "Supermuslim" "Muslim Lite" "Gluten Free Muslim" "Turbo Muslim" "Ubermuslim" ?