My wifi router isn't working. I need help with it?

my modem, other routers and the internet is fine. I have a Dlink router DAP 1525. It stopped working after I plug it in every 5 min. The speed of this particular router is slow and it's wifi doesn't show up or won't connect to wireless devices. I tried leaving it unplugged for an hour and then push the reset button with the paper clip and re setup up the router, It's still not working. not showing up it's wifi and slow speed. any suggestions what could it be?


I switched to 5G and changed it's channel to 40 and probably, It seems working fine


Favorite Answer

You should NEVER use more than one router on ANY connection. If your existng router does not have wifi buy a wifi capable replacement.


Plug your computer in the router via Ethernet cable enter in your web browser get the default username and password for admin access through the internet and try to play around with the features inside the router. The name of the router is probably hidden because of a setting in the router so you don't see it when you're trying to connect


Best Router Working Solution


Try to update the router's firmware to solve this problem. If it still couldn't work,you can try to turn your laptop into a virtual WiFi router with My WIFI Router software. Connecting laptop to Ethernet first and then free download My WIFI Router software.

Kevin Strong2014-09-10T14:33:51Z

Reset the router and try again. That should work.

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