What is the current war in Ukraine about?

Someone mentioned it and I had no idea that it was going on. Please show some kind of credible article or something like that.


It began last November with protests against the former president not signing a trade deal with Europe, then in February a group of politicians overthrew the former president and installed themselves. Some elements of these people include far-right nationalists, white power, neo-Nazis.

Forward to today, the government led by the elected least fascist candidate oligarch Poroshenko, cracked down on protesters in eastern Ukraine who wanted local control or autonomy. Maybe if they had done it the way the Catalans are in Spain it would have worked but with anti-Russian sentiment spread by the U.S., probably not. In eastern Ukr. they protested the same way the illegal regime did to get in power but it didnt work.

Putin was warned away from going into east Ukraine to help but Russian fighters did get in to assist the civilian defense forces. For the last few months the Kiev forces have managed to kill over 2,000 of their own people and 1 million fled the region.

Poroshenko agreed to talk to Putin and they put together some sort of ceasefire and discussed terms of agreement. However, when Obama made the statement in Wales about more funding for Ukraine to use against east Ukraine, Poroshenko decided not to end the conflict and thats where we are.

I should mention that Russian troops and tanks never entered the Ukraine. It was fabricated evidence but Poroshenko must see the advantage of not ending the shelling if he gets more money out of the U.S., EU, and IMF loans. Europe and U.S. want Russian influence out of east Ukraine.


Mighty big Russia who surrounds Ukraine on 3 sides wants it back as a province of Russia again (as it was 1800-1991). After Russia hosted Sochi (Feb) 2014 Winter Olympic Games it invaded with regular Russian troops and masked Russian troops called pro Russians. They took by surprise and force Ukraine province of Crimea and then the Ukraine navy.
Under Russian military occupation/ gunpoint a vote was at once held in Ukraine Crimea to return Crimea to Russia....no country earth or UN recognized the vote.
Regular Russian troops and masked Russian troops called 'pro Russians' have since invaded the rest of Ukraine taking by force cities, towns, government buildings, infrastructure.
Ukraine has asked the UN for help and the world community has placed very strong sanctions against Russia for trying to take Ukraine.