I feel like the rug was pulled out from under me and 2+ mo later I am still falling. So lost! Thoughts? Suggestions?

I'm almost 50. My live-in partner/gf left me after 4+ years. I was fine before I met her but now I feel hopelessly lost. I'm about two weeks into Zoloft 25mg. There is no thought of anything that makes me happy and I stopped smiling months ago. When not at work I just sit on my couch and watch TV. My attention span is very low and I get very anxious and have trouble functioning / concentrating. Life sucks and I don't see it improving.


Zoloft worked and I was off it after about 6 months. My anxiety is all gone (back to normal). I smile and things make me happy. I am active at my jobs again. Unfortunately for me I can't fall out of love this time but alone is not terrible. Alone there is no drama, no stress and little to be anxious about. I had four off the chart amazing years and that is more than so many people get to have. Life is not so bad.


Favorite Answer

You have to face the fact that what is not meant to be simply is not meant to be.
One can, if one wishes, curl up into a ball and die, or one can opt to go on living life, seek new love and carry on!
If EVERYONE who lost a love fell into a miserable, long term depression, this world would be a sad place indeed!