Do you believe in Extra Terrestrials (aliens) and/or ghosts?

Do you believe in Aliens and/or ghosts? And if you do, do we have spirits or no and do aliens have spirits? Or does the whole existence of aliens mean that there is no spirit world? Do you believe aliens engineered us with their DNA and DNA from Bigfoot, Sasquatch, etc? I want serious answers. No ruutards.


Favorite Answer

Yes to both, and let me explain why.

Unlike ghost, goblins and things that go bump in the night, aliens and UFOs are very much rooted in science. Especially with the Alcubierre warp drive that says starships can travel faster than light without violating the laws of physics, and Harold "Sonny" White saying you need only 1/10,000,000,000 of a star's power instead of the power of 10,000,000,000 stars.

As to ghosts, scientific studies have tried to determine if a ghostly event is actually a ghost or something else. And so far there is growing evidence that there is no earthly explanation to a sizeable number of reported hauntings. And the investigators uses infrared scanners, magnetic scanners, and look into trying to avoid contamination from each other, and still picked up ghostly phenomenon.

Science cannot explain ghosts, but it can determine their existence... Which it did.

Obi Wan Knievel2014-09-16T07:58:01Z

Yup, absolutely. To both.

Aliens are defined as life of any kind on any other planet. While I've never seen any, I have no problem believing that life could exist on one or more of the multi-hundred-billion planets just in our little galaxy. Life happened here (we pretty much know that for sure), so there is no logical reason to assume it couldn't happen anywhere else in the universe. I don't really believe that little green bug-eyed proctologists regularly visit us in flying hubcaps, but I do believe that life has to exist outside of our little dust-speck of a planet.

Ghosts are a different story, because I have seen a couple of those. No idea what the hell a ghost really is, but I've seen them. Not everywhere all the time like some (mostly teenage and often hysterically religious) people, just on a small handful of occasions. So rarely, in fact, that I couldn't even venture an educated guess as to what they are. The residual spiritual essence of a departed person? Sure, why not. A natural electromagnetic phenomenon? Just as good, also because why not. Elvis? I'm open to that theory too. Until someone can bring a real live ghost into a science lab so it can be isolated and studied (and I readily admit that I can't do that), we'll just have to file it under "unknown" for now.


See I believe in Aliens 100% and I don't want to tell anyone why, but believe me I'm an honest person. However, I don't believe in ghosts because I've never seen one. I kind of hope that I do some day though.


No but I believe the evidence is interesting and they are certainly possible. I have seen two UFOs (at one time) so I think I am more certain than most of ETs existence but I didn't actually see any ETs so I can't be sure.


I do believe in ghosts and spirits but aliens no

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