What is wrong with this site?

Experto Credo2014-09-18T19:47:30Z

Name it.

The rules have been so changed that it is almost not worth being here
Trolls run rampant with tons of meaningless questions
At least 75% of the questions you see have been 'removed'
You are not guaranteed of getting an answer to your query, much less a helpful answer
The endless glitches slow things down
Bogus abuse reports and a questionable appeal policy dampen your enthusiasm
You are not even guaranteed your question will post.
It's just a major drag on days.

Variable 462014-09-18T20:24:16Z

The problem with this site is the programmers who keep coming up with ways to improve it by making it worse. I mean, if their plan WAS to make it worse over the past year, then they've succeeded beyond their wildest ambitions.

steve h2014-09-19T20:51:43Z

You have both confirmed what I thought was going on.