Answer to ...'s "Does this prove that the story of Adam and Eve, is NOT an allegory?"?

Blocked from another important question by Yahoo User ... .
"Does this prove that the story of Adam and Eve, is NOT an allegory?"
---"The Bible supplies a complete, documented record of genealogy..."

First off, who is Adam?
"This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made He him; male and female created He them, and blessed them, and called THEIR name Adam, in the day when they were created," (Genesis 5:1-2).

Some translation will say, "...and called their name Man...," or human, or humankind, whatever, but even scholarly translations like the New American Standard Bible and New Revised Standard Version, who will substitute with "Man" or "humankind" will but in the footnotes indicating that the literal Hebrew would read "Adam." Even the Tanakh of the Jews in Hebrew reads אָדָם‎.

So who is Adam?
A humanity that fell from from the grace of God our of which the Genealogy of Jesus sprang. Also, notice how Matthew goes back to Abraham while Luke goes back to Adam (and to God). Yahoo user ... is missing the point of the Genealogies of Jesus, they are not to be understood as 100% literal. Jesus is the son of Adam (humanity), Jesus is the Son of Abraham, Jesus is the Son of David, Jesus is the Son of God. It's not saying that the "story of Adam and Eve" are literal.

By the way, the user's name is actually "...", I'm not censoring it.


Typo Fix: "...will *put* in the footnotes..."


No one with any capacity for rational thought (who is not completely infected/infested with 'beliefs' of the imagination), would ever take that little myth literally!
It was never meant to be taken literally.
But the generally degraded intellect of modern times was not taken into account!
And the 'genealogy' os less than literal, also!

This is not the place to ask and answer your own question!