Is it weird to date younger women?

I'm pushing 30 now, own a business, not a rich man but independent and stable. I didn't get any play in high school, and my 20s was filled with plenty of rejection from good women who wanted bad men. I was never approached but now these same women are interested in me (I lived, I learned, I improved). But now younger girls in their early twenties, decent women all the same (I got a nose for good and bad), are now somehow approaching me. I do want to date some of the women who have rejected me but I don't want somebody's leftovers. Should I date the women my age or see what happens with the younger crowd?


Wait a person is a left over? These women who are you own age have learned a grown too, probably painfully.

But the question is about older successful men having long term relationships with younger women and the answer is that as long as they are indeed women nor girls then it is anything but unusual and is in fact the norm.


If you want to play ball no strings attach go for whatever falls in your lap, but if you are looking for something serious just be wise on your decision whether young or old.

Ross James2014-09-19T16:29:02Z

Date whoever wants to be with you and has your interest. Don't worry about "rules". Life is too short.

