Does a god make sense?

Let's say there is a god. This god according to the bible is everywhere, knows all, and can do everything.

Let's look at the universe and what where we earthlings live. We live on a small planet and almost nonexistent if you compare our planet's size to the rest of the universe.

Now we human are also very small yet some how we are told to believe that this god who is everywhere and knows everything.

Decided to have a son which is tortured and crucified, and we are told god felt so horribly sad.

How do folks rationalize that a god as great as our god is supposed to be would actually care as much as the bible says he cared.

Thanks for any answers


The biblical god is a fallacy. God by biblical definition is a perfect being. The bible condemns envy, jealousy and vengeance. All of which embody the god of the old testament. How can an omnipotent being be perfect and yet be all these things? It is a fallacy of the highest order. A perfect, morally just being who is imperfect defies it's own definitions of perfect, good, and right. Basically it's "I am god I am perfect. This is wrong and so is this but I am all these things. DO NOT QUESTION ME"


Yes, God is the justice in an unjust world. God is not human and therefore doesn't have human limits. He made the universe with us, his people, in mind. Like I said earlier, he can do it because he doesn't have the limitations humans have. Your reasoning is flawed, but then again, those who do not understand God cannot understand his works. The universe cannot possibly come from nothing. And here's something that might shock you, babies are born with faith! Check this out:
Anyway, yes, a god makes sense and loves us all, believers or not.


No. That's the whole point, it doesn't make a grain of sense. A 'god' is an imaginary being conjured up by those who need a reason to believe.


God is for delusional people only he doesn't exist do you really believe in heaven have you seen it? Is there any proof for heaven existence? And do you think God is real no he's not all religions is man made and Bible is fake book that contradicts itself!!


You will find the answers at the end of your life if you are non bible believer.

I spoke to demon in Asia...... it was inside a young woman. It said Jesus christ is the son of god.

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