So I've been talking to this girl.... Barely. I had a small conversation with her and she didn't reply after this one message. She didn't seem uninterested and she was friendly but after she didn't reply, I texted her back a day after saying hello, and she said "Hi!" And then i sent her another message and she didn't respond. What's weird is that both times she didn't respond, under my message it just said delivered (we have iPhones) and whenever she reads it is says "read" under it. So either she didn't get it (even though it says delivered) or she's so uninterested that she doesn't even read my text. Should I ask her why she's not replying? Like "are you getting my messages?" Or something? I don't want to seem desperate but I'm confused.
you should ask her what she does in her free time because she might be extremely busy at the time you text her. Don't text her TOO many times if she doesn't reply because that would make you look a little desperate and the girl might get annoyed by the multiple texts. Just ask her a few questions, and if she doesn't answer, then wait for it to happen.
She's just not into you. I'm sure she was polite and friendly. That's what you do. She got the texts. But sounds like she doesn't want to pursue anything with you. Head up, move on.
I really wouldn't even bother with her. You've sent her two messages, she hasn't replied to either, IF she wanted to, she would have. Let it go for now, see if you even hear from her again. IF she didn't get them, is interested, she will contact you to find out the reason she's not hearing from you. I wouldn't be worrying myself over it. There are far too many others out there who would be more interested. If it's meant to be, it will to you...:)
i had a girl do the EXACT same thing with me once, i even ended up losing another girl for waiting texts from this girl that i wanted. lesson to be learned here is that some girls like playing little games. they like to see that you're interested and they lead you wrongfully to think that they like you. you should either be straight up to her and ask her why shes not answering. she'll probably say"sorry, i didn't see" or something like that. if she does that and keeps ignoring you. then just move on and forget about her. dont make the same mistake i did