A Problom about a API and a Framework.?

Is Studying a API is similar like Studying a Framework.?
okay. if my question is foolish. what's the difference between a API or a Standard template library and a software Framework??? :) Thankz in advance

The Black Hole2014-09-26T20:51:12Z

Favorite Answer

An API and Framework are synonymous terms. Often an API contains many different frameworks.
The frameworks are families of programming classes and functions that perform various related tasks.
For example the Mac Cocoa API has frameworks for graphics, video, audio, animation, database management, string handling, mathematics, etc.

The Standard Template Library for C++ is a library of classes that perform the same or similar function on various data types. Instead of writing a different function or class for each data type, a template can be used to serve all data types. So generally, the template library is not the same as an API or framework.