Can you wear different makeup brands?

Like mabyline mascara and revion lipstick Garnier bb cream naked 2 pallete etc. those are examples


Yeah! You don't have to wear all maybeline or all revlon. Thats the beauty of having so many brands! Choose a lipstick here and a concealer there. Hope this helps!


Oh, totally! I mix and match ALL the time. I could never just stick to one brand, it's way too hard. Sometimes one brand has a foundation that's best for your skin, while another has eyeshadows that compliment your eyes. It won't do any harm to your skin or anything to mix and match. :)


Yes, why not. I'm a big fan of Oriflame cosmetics and use mostly their products only but whenever needed for my desired look I use other brands cosmetics along with them.


Of course. I use all different brands at once


Of course you can, whatever works best for you and what you like, go for it !

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