Is it contradictory for atheists to say that they have no belief in God and at the same time say that God doesn't exist.?


Since we cannot prove the existence or nonexistence of God, wouldn't this be a belief?


How is it contradictory? There is no scientific evidence to prove the existence of deity. You must 'believe' in this being, it is not a fact. Not having this belief they do, then, have a 'disbelief', but they can also say that, according to all known science, this being doesn't exist at all.


Contradictory b/c one is about belief and the other statement is about knowledge?
Not really contradictory b/c if the statement can not be backed up by facts, then you still form beliefs about it. Whether the agree or not. And some might not be aware that the 2nd statement is true anyway. They say you can't prove a negative. Well, the Bible God is said to be all-knowing, all-powerful, and loving and that his god created EVERYTHING. it isn't possible for a loving god to create evil.


Those are different atheists, usually. Some merely have no belief in god, others make the statement that a god doesn't exist.


Neil, Sorry mate you are semantically wrong. Atheism is not the belief that there is/are no god/s it it the lack of belief that there is/are god/s

Atheism and agnosticism are not mutually exclusive. I am an agnostic atheist in that I don't believe any god claims but can not be certain either way.

I am atheist because I do not believe - it is that simple. Neither theism nor atheism say anything about what you claim to know, only what you claim to believe or not.

sandy d2014-09-30T06:39:54Z

It is not a belief when you know the truth!!! Actually no gods or devils exist anywhere outside of any ones inculcated minds!!! The inculcation coming from the same con men who preach blah blahs at you in church then after its last amen it goes to the back room of the church and abuses little boys!!! It's been done often enough to be believed just like the religious stories!!!

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