How to set up a tank for 4 praying mantis nymphs?

Please help. Any ideas are appreciated. These nymphs are about half a centimeter. They are NOT canabalistic as long as they are well fed. Which I have a lot Of fruit flies that breed like crazy. And the nymphs and fruit flies will escape through the holes in the lids. Like a cricket keeper or a metal screen lid. I was wondering if there's any cage/ large jar (such as a dill pickle jar) design where there are no holes to escape from. I was told to use pantyhose or cloth but have no clue how to do that Please help.


Favorite Answer

You could cut a piece of pantyhose/cloth to cover the top of a container and use a rubber band to hold it in place. These are another option
Most species of mantids are cannibalistic even when well fed. Unless you know for sure the species you have are not likely to eat each other, its best to separate them.