Should I call the police?

My ex bf has sent me threatening messages in which he says he has footage of me from a hidden cam in his place and that he's going to upload it online to spite me. I know it's illegal but I'm wondering do I have to get a lawyer or should just calling the police be sufficient?


Favorite Answer

Save the messages - it would be "good" if he threatened to post them unless you did something. Then you have hard proof of blackmail. If he does post them - then get a lawyer and contact the police. A good lawyer will probably have experts who can trace it back to him and can get an injunction to have the posting removed.


you should know is your ex bf really such a psycho that he would do such thing or have your footage? well if you think yes then call the police and look for a lawyer if it will be necesary. but if you think hes not capable of doing such a thing that just tell him thats he should stop joking with such things or you will call the police.


What makes you think it's illegal for him to have a video of things in his own house?

Unless you are a minor and it there is sexual content, just forget it.