Why does YA hide some answers even though they have no downthumbs?

I sometimes see a note "1 answer hidden" among the answers when I respond.

I at first thought they were heavily disapproved questions, but that turns out not to be correct. I have looked at some of them, and they do not have any thumb-downs.

Any ideas, astute ones?


I found that some answers were hidden that seem not to have any reason for that, and I got email for answers that simply are nowhere to be found. Bizarre.


Favorite Answer

when you answer it yourself, it gets hidden sometimes


Short answered questions with one or two or just a few words usually get hidden.


It might be because of the answerer's prior record. I hardly ever go back and look at mine, so I don't know if any of them have been hidden.


They seem to be short answers, not very thoughtful. I've had a few of my sincere answers hidden, myself.


It's because they are the shortest, like this one lol

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