How about this for a solution to the problem of businesses owned by religious people being "forced" to serve same sex marriage ceremonies?

ornery and mean2014-10-06T23:15:36Z

Set up a "safety net" similar to the one that exists in the fair housing act! Some rental properties are "exempt" from the fair housing act ... why can't some commercial businesses be exempt from being required to serve at marriage ceremonies for same sex couples? Would these exemptions be too objectionable to anyone? The following businesses or properties can refuse to participate in a same sex wedding on religious or conscientious objection grounds:

Any business wholly owned by a group with a tax exemption for a religious entity.

Any business that maintains three or fewer public outlets or employs less than 50 people (wiggle room here! Is the "right" number 25? 75? should we just leave the number of employees out? I don't know).

Any business where the "majority owner" provides actual service to the customers of the company (florist shop where the owner arranges the flowers personally, bakery where the owner actually makes the confections for the customer, etc)

A business where each client served becomes part of the business's "portfolio" (the business is irrevocably linked to each event they service (DJ services, photographers, wedding planners, venues (wedding and reception), even bakers and florists.

Hey. I am an atheist and I see the problem here! There has to be SOME "wiggle room" to allow business owners (and venue owners) the right to "not bid" on certain contracts that they believe do not fit the direction they want to take their company or group. It's pretty simple where I sit, people have the right to associate with others that share their views ... why not have the right to NOT associate with people that do not share your views?