I've been in the 82nd for 20 months now and I am thinking about going SF?

I haven't deployed or have not been in the Army for that long. However, what are some pros and cons of joining the Special Forces? My goal it become a Special Forces engineer sergeant.


Better put in for a branch change to Engineers first. You want Combat Engineers and Sapper Leader Course as soon as rank eligible. From there apply for Special Forces selection. Jump wings and a Sapper Tab are your start. Be warned that your superiors will not be happy about branch changes. You should have enlisted for Engineers in the first place.

In SF you will get plenty of deployment, more often deployed than here. You will need an additional language depending on the group you are assigned to. SF are basically advisers and teachers, no Rambo crap. Even if you don't make selection, Engineers is a far better branch, career wise. Skills that are of use in the civilian world.

Living the Dream2014-10-11T18:09:33Z

You get NO say in what your SF job would be. It might be related to what you already do, or it might not be. SF decides that for you.


I already have my airborne wings