To Yahoo ... What have you done to Yahoo answers? In any given category the newest answers are 20 hours old. Thought it was being improved.?

Son of T32014-10-12T15:05:48Z

Favorite Answer

You need to go to the YA Team blog and read about the difference between the "Discover" tab and the "Answer" tab.

Discover - Network and Popular questions

Answer - New questions

So click on the Answer tab and you have the new questions. That YA Team blog has other entries on the new format.

Philip H2014-10-13T20:45:53Z

I ran into the same problem and suffered from it for a few days.
I did something and hit the correct button which corrected the problem.
I believe it was the same action that is recommended by "SCT Henry".
Yahoo has become nearly unworkable and it requires a six year old to ply with the options for days to find a solution to their childish creation.

Michael D2014-10-12T22:30:19Z

To Henry, did got to answers tab and the first question was 20 hours old.