Who were some of your awesome teachers?

Just a random question.
My coolest overall would probably be my 8th grade history teacher. She was always super chill and really fun. She did have a huge potty mouth, and she honestly didn't care if we cussed in her classroom. She used to play the Beatles' music while we took notes and my chemical romance and green day. We also would always get off topic and somehow the topics always went to sex and/or periods. She would bond with all of the girls in the class and we all talked about how much periods suck (somehow, pretty much every female in that class, including the teacher, synced so I felt bad for the guys). We could literally be sitting in the class and somebody would just be like "does anybody have midol?" Or "does anybody have a pad/tampon?" It was always so random. Anyway, She treated us like adults and didn't talk down to us and I really appreciate that about her.

Who were your cool teachers, let me know.


My biology teacher when i was 16 to 18, knew my mother because he taught my sister. Helped me out a lot with anything i needed, general advice, uni help and how to write out personal statements and stuff. Think he genuinely wanted me to do pretty well in school (which i guess i did) so thats pretty great. I don't expect anyone to be like that but its quite nice when someone is


I've had a lot of awesome teachers. This year, my world history and biology teacher are my 2 faves. They are so fun and always happy.


Those who actually gave a damn to teach and not print out papers from the internet and at the end write their names in ink copy and pasting and printing over and over again.