Do you think the Ebola virus is being used as popoulation control to elimonate 90% of the worlds population?


I mean if you look around it seems like the Ebola virus is spreading like wild fire and they said in a few months ten thousand people may be diagnosed weekly! That is crazy! Do you think some evil people out there want to eliminate more than half of the earths population? I mean it is w consiracy theory.

doug b2014-10-14T21:54:30Z

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could be .some people like Bill Gates have said the crowd needs to be thined out .also why else would the states be fly those infected back to the states .they say they are now watching at 5 airports yet you could walk a army across the southern border. i think you are on track

Ms. Spam2014-10-14T21:46:26Z

No. Ebola has killed less people than SARS. Or AIDS. Or the black plague.

This stuff comes up every time something scary like this happens. Just wash your hands frequently and don't use public bathrooms if you're paranoid.


Nothing new ,we have had epidemics over the centuries,the Black Death The Plague in 1666,the Flu Epidemic in 1918 and ,which killed more people than were killed in the Great War 1914/18


Bill Gates said,,,,,, in 2010
The worlds population needs to be cut in half.
Bilderburg Group.


So, Mr. Apphelper, when this person has eliminated the 90% desired how do you think he/she will suddenly stop it?

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