poll: how do you think you'd rather have your kids brought up? innocence vs. openness?

nowadays kids know about everything. they don't mind sawring, they start smoking really early, they dress and cut their hair to look sexy, before they even know what sexual attraction is. i've had an argument with a friend who aknowledged all this and how terribke it is, and i told him i really don't see it as that terrible. what is innocence good for. kids today know the world into which they are about to grow. that's a good thing isn't it?




If this knowledge were the product of free choice and maturity, I wouldn't have a problem with it. That is, if adults were very mature and they were choosing to let kids be exposed to these things. But that's not the case. It's the result of kids being essentially brought up by the media. It's out of parents' control. It's the result of people not caring enough about kids. It's the result of businesses wanting to make money no matter what the cost to society. They target kids as markets from a very young age, and sex sells, so kids end up getting exposed to sex so they can be marketed to. And kids pay a tremendous price for all that. They lose their childhood. They are subject to great pressures from a very early age to live up to all these images that are being thrown at them all the time.